Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Feeding the Mind

I considered myself pretty comforatable with Bloglines and Google Reader so I decided to give the Beta version of Bloglines a try. I can see that they're trying to be similar to GR but I don't think they have all the components yet and I missed being able to do some of the things I could do with Bloglines, let's call it alpha.

Once I was done exploring the beta version I decided to try getting my feeds to show up on my blog as a blogroll and experienced one of those "I know I should be able to do this, but I can't figure out how" hours. Leading me to wish I had a Logan to lean on like this Veronica does.

The instructions were pretty basic. Go to your bloglines profile and make sure to change the setting to a public one for access to the blogroll and then use the Bloglines HTML helper to get the code for the blog. Took me a little while with those things, but I thought I had it all figured out. But when I pasted into the additional elements portion of the template in this blog all I got was a message saying my username wasn't active. Huh!? Tried with my old Bloglines account - same deal. How was I getting it wrong?

Turned out I was making an assumption (and you know what they say about those). I assumed that my username would be the first part of my login for Bloglines. Turns out I needed to note the little * next to the username field and pick a username for my public Bloglines persona.

Success at last! My Bloglines feeds are now links on my blog, woohoo! Thanks for the tips and chance to learn Project Player Gurus.


PandaLibrarian said...

Hi Veronica,

Excellent example of the benefits of Project Play! Congratulations on your persistence in getting your blogroll up and running. And, the results look great.

Keep on Playing!

P.S. It would be nice to have a Logan to lean on, wouldn't it? He's quite cute...


Anonymous said...

Cute and a bad boy. Doesn't get much better then that.

Pinky said...

Cool feeds for MADreads. That looks really slick.