Monday, October 22, 2007

Veronica Franco by Tintoretto

The first thing I did when I started to explore Flickr was to search the other Veronicas out there in the world. I was pleased to find Veronica Franco as one of the first hits that came up and decided to "blog this". She certainly led an interesting life as an educated woman who was a poet and a courtesan. She even successfully fought for her freedom when she was accused of witchcraft! Go Veronica! If you're interested in more about this Veronica, there's a book about her in LINKcat.

What I like about Flickr is the quantity and the quality of the pictures available. I've created a Flickr account but so far have only used it as a place to store photos that I've used for work purposes (so they're not available to the public). But because they're stored online I'm able to give co-workers access to the photos.

Sometimes I wonder how these web communities stay afloat financially speaking. A web service of this magnitude is a costly endeavor. Do they make their money selling prints? Selling advanced options? There's no advertising to speak of. So I'm curious. Anyone know?


Pinky said...

Cool entry, Veronica! I have wondered about how many of these sites remain free of charge as well, including blogger. Lucky for us that they are.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do wonder. Anyone a whiz when it comes to web economics? I review for a site that has become very large and I know the site owner struggles to make ends meet in terms of paying to keep the site going - never mind making any kind of profit.

So how do these mega sites do it?

PandaLibrarian said...

Hi Veronica,

Very interesting to read about the other Veronica - amazing what you can find on Flickr!

I've just started my first Flickr account to post my photos from our Boundary Waters trip earlier this month. When I created the account, I noticed that I had Pro account and I hadn't paid for an upgrade. It turns out that because I use AT&T for my ISP that I automatically have a Pro account in Flickr. You can purchase a one year Pro account for $24.95. They limit how much you can do for free.

That's how Flickr does it, but I'm not sure about others.

Keep on Playing!
